the moon card, for me, makes me wonder about potential relationship with the subtle body, though this remains rather a mysterious concept for me. Maybe the development of lunar consciousness is also caught up awareness of, and strengthening a connection with the subtle body, I don't know. Thank you for sharing the personal experience. It is so helpful to have the ideas of the podcast grounded in that way.
Hey Deryn, thanks for this great comment. Love the connection between the moon card and the subtle body. I'm curious how you define subtle body in this context? Some thoughts come to mind like the chakra system or the astral body, etc.
As the subtle body is seen as a sort of "liminal space" between concrete reality and spirit, I think it certainly can relate to the moon card. It is a card of liminality, and finding ease with being in that subtle realm.
Thanks Alyssa. I don’t have a working definition as I’m already stretched to the edge of my capacity to just have the notion of the subtle body - its possibility is hovering there, just on the cusp, as a possibility. The Moon card seems to speak to that feeling of being in a waiting room and the image in the Wildwood tarot casts a strange aura of potential. I need to read more of what von Franz has to say about it.
Here's a quote from Jung via Daryl Sharp's lexicon:
"The part of the unconscious which is designated as the subtle body becomes more and more identical with the functioning of the body, and therefore it grows darker and darker and ends in the utter darkness of matter. . . . Somewhere our unconscious becomes material, because the body is the living unit, and our conscious and our unconscious are embedded in it: they contact the body. Somewhere there is a place where the two ends meet and become interlocked. And that is the [subtle body] where one cannot say whether it is matter, or what one calls "psyche."[ Nietzsche's Zarathustra, vol. 1, p. 441.]
I like his emphasis as the place where "the two ends meet and become interlocked" - where matter and psyche are intertwined. Gives one a lot to reflect on!
one other thought. My most recent day of intensity was meeting a therapist for the first time yesterday. We talked about a sibling relationship that had been abusive. Last night, I woke up dreaming that my brother walked across the space between us with his arm outstretched and his hand grabbed my throat and squeezed. What was odd that there was no affect in the dream at all. I felt nothing and just let him strangle me. No doubt I dreamt this because I'd been speaking about him that morning, but it also seems like an image the unconscious has conjured to indicate he does not want me to talk.
the moon card, for me, makes me wonder about potential relationship with the subtle body, though this remains rather a mysterious concept for me. Maybe the development of lunar consciousness is also caught up awareness of, and strengthening a connection with the subtle body, I don't know. Thank you for sharing the personal experience. It is so helpful to have the ideas of the podcast grounded in that way.
Hey Deryn, thanks for this great comment. Love the connection between the moon card and the subtle body. I'm curious how you define subtle body in this context? Some thoughts come to mind like the chakra system or the astral body, etc.
As the subtle body is seen as a sort of "liminal space" between concrete reality and spirit, I think it certainly can relate to the moon card. It is a card of liminality, and finding ease with being in that subtle realm.
Thanks Alyssa. I don’t have a working definition as I’m already stretched to the edge of my capacity to just have the notion of the subtle body - its possibility is hovering there, just on the cusp, as a possibility. The Moon card seems to speak to that feeling of being in a waiting room and the image in the Wildwood tarot casts a strange aura of potential. I need to read more of what von Franz has to say about it.
Here's a quote from Jung via Daryl Sharp's lexicon:
"The part of the unconscious which is designated as the subtle body becomes more and more identical with the functioning of the body, and therefore it grows darker and darker and ends in the utter darkness of matter. . . . Somewhere our unconscious becomes material, because the body is the living unit, and our conscious and our unconscious are embedded in it: they contact the body. Somewhere there is a place where the two ends meet and become interlocked. And that is the [subtle body] where one cannot say whether it is matter, or what one calls "psyche."[ Nietzsche's Zarathustra, vol. 1, p. 441.]
I like his emphasis as the place where "the two ends meet and become interlocked" - where matter and psyche are intertwined. Gives one a lot to reflect on!
It certainly does. Thank you for the reference, much appreciated.
You're welcome :)
one other thought. My most recent day of intensity was meeting a therapist for the first time yesterday. We talked about a sibling relationship that had been abusive. Last night, I woke up dreaming that my brother walked across the space between us with his arm outstretched and his hand grabbed my throat and squeezed. What was odd that there was no affect in the dream at all. I felt nothing and just let him strangle me. No doubt I dreamt this because I'd been speaking about him that morning, but it also seems like an image the unconscious has conjured to indicate he does not want me to talk.