A very moving piece. Thank you for sharing a part of what I imagine was a confronting but ultimately expansive experience. Your little girl is lucky to have you as her mother 🤍
It's hard to capture it in words, it's been an experience unlike any other. And now that a new area of life has opened, the journey continues...the Great Mother continues her work.
Gorgeous writing, Alyssa. What Beauty you bring to Life through these words and through your offering of your presence to your daughter with the full awareness that you do. 🙏🏽
My daughter gave birth to her daughter 2 weeks ago, her second child. Watching my daughter become a mother, holding the daughter of my daughter, feeling the strength of the Grandmother archetype move in me has all seeded a lot of dreaming in recent weeks. Such potent themes.
Thank you for sharing so richly about your own experience. It’s palpable in your writing and in your way of Being.
Many warm wishes and congratulations to you and your daughter!
While I was pregnant, my mother would look at me sweetly and say, "My baby is having a baby." And although I felt happy when she would say it, it wasn't until I saw her interacting with my daughter that I felt this deep sense of awe and joy of her becoming a grandmother. The way she held and tended to her with ease and knowing (as having 4 kids does!). Watching her make my daughter laugh and coo like no one else could. It felt incredible to be in a room with all three of us, a direct connected line, a beautiful circle of mothers/daughters.
My dreams have also taken new turns since birth. It really does something incredible to the psyche!
Wow, Such a beautiful piece of writing. The concept of motherhood *mostly* fills me with terror, but this perspective touched a tender place within me that went “oh right, that’s why people do this.”
Totally relate to that sense of terror. It always felt mixed into the desire to have a child. Getting pregnant, giving birth and now mothering is forcing me to continue examining that fear! Terror and beauty and meaning and uncertainty, all mixed together.
I went to my inbox and saw Alyssa Polizzi - Motherhood, my heart sang. Thank you for sharing this eloquent piece ♥️ You speak for every woman, mother or not, the process of maturing and womanhood.
Sweet Brittany, thank you <3 I know so many of these themes are integral to the path. Perhaps we will speak more about them next time we get the chance to meet!
Congratulations, Alyssa! I remember so clearly crossing the gateway into motherhood, of being in the delivery room, my son drawing his first breaths, and simultaneously having the profound sense of walking into the Room of the Mothers in the imaginal realm. And this quote: "Her confrontations were unrelenting and I learned that bearing the torch is more than just a mere passing of hands, but an opportunity to shape the vessel that links us through time and spirit." What a lovely image, of motherhood as a vessel that links us through time and spirit, one that we get to shape.
"The Room of the Mothers" - I love that wording, it does truly feel that way, in a deep and profound sense.
The painting is beautiful. I have found myself in just that position for many hours since her birth. Mostly because I am nap trapped and she won't sleep in the bassinet! haha
So wonderfully written. And made me cry a little ❤️
Thank you, Theresa. I'm glad the emotion came through <3
A very moving piece. Thank you for sharing a part of what I imagine was a confronting but ultimately expansive experience. Your little girl is lucky to have you as her mother 🤍
It's hard to capture it in words, it's been an experience unlike any other. And now that a new area of life has opened, the journey continues...the Great Mother continues her work.
Thanks for the kind sentiment, Maria <3
Beautiful writing, thank you for sharing
Thank you, A.J.!
Gorgeous writing, Alyssa. What Beauty you bring to Life through these words and through your offering of your presence to your daughter with the full awareness that you do. 🙏🏽
My daughter gave birth to her daughter 2 weeks ago, her second child. Watching my daughter become a mother, holding the daughter of my daughter, feeling the strength of the Grandmother archetype move in me has all seeded a lot of dreaming in recent weeks. Such potent themes.
Thank you for sharing so richly about your own experience. It’s palpable in your writing and in your way of Being.
Many warm wishes and congratulations to you and your daughter!
While I was pregnant, my mother would look at me sweetly and say, "My baby is having a baby." And although I felt happy when she would say it, it wasn't until I saw her interacting with my daughter that I felt this deep sense of awe and joy of her becoming a grandmother. The way she held and tended to her with ease and knowing (as having 4 kids does!). Watching her make my daughter laugh and coo like no one else could. It felt incredible to be in a room with all three of us, a direct connected line, a beautiful circle of mothers/daughters.
My dreams have also taken new turns since birth. It really does something incredible to the psyche!
Clearly you're a Bene Gesserit Reverend Mother 🏜️
This is true ;)
I was wondering to myself today
If nature is a woman, why did she make man?
Wow, Such a beautiful piece of writing. The concept of motherhood *mostly* fills me with terror, but this perspective touched a tender place within me that went “oh right, that’s why people do this.”
Totally relate to that sense of terror. It always felt mixed into the desire to have a child. Getting pregnant, giving birth and now mothering is forcing me to continue examining that fear! Terror and beauty and meaning and uncertainty, all mixed together.
I went to my inbox and saw Alyssa Polizzi - Motherhood, my heart sang. Thank you for sharing this eloquent piece ♥️ You speak for every woman, mother or not, the process of maturing and womanhood.
Sweet Brittany, thank you <3 I know so many of these themes are integral to the path. Perhaps we will speak more about them next time we get the chance to meet!
This is beautiful ❤️! Love the willingness to be vulnerable and your authentic openness!
I've sat on the words for a while but knew I wanted it to be a part of the work I share and explore. Thanks for your support :)
Congratulations, Alyssa! I remember so clearly crossing the gateway into motherhood, of being in the delivery room, my son drawing his first breaths, and simultaneously having the profound sense of walking into the Room of the Mothers in the imaginal realm. And this quote: "Her confrontations were unrelenting and I learned that bearing the torch is more than just a mere passing of hands, but an opportunity to shape the vessel that links us through time and spirit." What a lovely image, of motherhood as a vessel that links us through time and spirit, one that we get to shape.
Also I loved the paintings you used for this post. Here is another one that I love: https://americanart.si.edu/artwork/lamplight-1139
Thanks, Stephanie!
"The Room of the Mothers" - I love that wording, it does truly feel that way, in a deep and profound sense.
The painting is beautiful. I have found myself in just that position for many hours since her birth. Mostly because I am nap trapped and she won't sleep in the bassinet! haha
Congratulations Alyssa! This was lovely to read, I would love to hear more on your journey into motherhood. Wishing you all the very best with it. ❤️
Thanks, Gazel ❤️ I hope to write more on the journey. There’s been many more lessons already.
This is beautiful, thank you so much for sharing your journey to motherhood (in a archetypal and literal sense), Alyssa!
Thanks for reading :)
Thank you for sharing this with us.
Beautiful 💗
Thanks, Cristina <3