
Splendor Solis

Archetypal themes in alchemical manuscripts

This month’s membership workshop explores the archetypal and psychological themes in the alchemical manuscript Splendor Solis. If you’re interested in watching at the reduced member rate, you can upgrade now (and gain access to the archive of Artemisian workshops) or purchase the class at full price here. Check out the free preview to get a sense of the content of the class.

Explore the symbolism and psychological insights in alchemical imagery and discover how to connect it to your inner work

In this workshop, we dive into the psychological and symbolic dimensions of the first four plates of Splendor Solis, one of the most revered illuminated manuscripts in the Western alchemical tradition. Each image, rich in symbolism spanning from the natural world to the mythic imagination, unveils core principles of the alchemical opus. Drawing on Jungian and archetypal concepts, we’ll investigate how the plates illustrate the emergence of deeper psychological realities and how to link them to our inner work.

Topics include:

  • A brief overview of alchemy from a Jungian and archetypal perspective

  • Understanding alchemical manuscripts

  • Introduction to Splendor Solis and its historical significance

  • The symbolic, psychological and archetypal themes of the first four plates

  • An exercise to explore the plates and connect it to our inner work

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