Such fortuitous timing! I've been wanting to explore active imagination for some time now. I'd love to hear about any resources you might recommend to explore that, aside from the Red Book.

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Podcast episode on the topic: https://youtu.be/TdULQzIhWag

Books: Jung on Active Imagination, Encounters with the Soul by Barbara Hannah, Inner Work by Robert A Johnson.

Hope that helps :)

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This is so relevant and resonated deeply. Especially this: "I seek to build a healthier relationship to my content and output that respects my boundaries, but am unsure of how best to proceed. I run up against a painful truth: I cannot bend the system to work for me, I either participate (begrudgingly) or I once again follow a rebel’s path (which guarantees no positive outcome or reciprocity)." I feel like I've been in very similar place, trying to chart a course and feeling like the path required is energy draining in ways that won't be generative to creative work. Thank you for putting words to this feeling. 🖤

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Reminded of our conversation in Berkeley. I know a lot of creators are facing similar challenges ❤️

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